Regulations and indications
The right to admit pets is reserved, based on the discretion of the Dantica Cloud Forest Lodge management and its policies. Our priority is the comfort and tranquility of all our clients and guests. Our Lodge does not have areas specifically assigned for pets, therefore access to the rooms will only be with a written reservation from the Hotel Administration; in addition it is the absolute responsibility of the client for the care of the pets. This regulation will be delivered at the time of entry and registration at the reception for the respective signature of the handling and care of the pet within the facilities. The owner of the pet is subject to the room assignment made by the Lodge Administration in order to avoid inconveniences with other guests. Pet owners will be responsible for not producing excessive noise and odors. In case of complaints from other guests, the Lodge administration will make a notification to control the situation.
Pet regulation:
- USD 25 per pet per stay
- All pets must have the necessary equipment to sleep.
- Since we are inside a Forest Reserve, your pet must wear a leash properly tied its neck in any area of the hotel property.
- All pets must always be under the supervision of the owner responsible for them.
- The owners will be responsible for collecting the excrements left in the public areas of the Lodge and the gardens / trails.
- If despite all the precautions the pet bites one of our clients or collaborators, that person will be sent to the hospital immediately. The pet will remain supervised by the respective owner and he will cover the medical expenses provided.
- It is forbidden for pets to sleep on the furniture of the Lodge and any expenses caused by damage or special cleaning that is required due to such a situation, will be borne by the owner of the pet.
- Pets cannot be inside the room when the owner is absent.
- Any damage caused by the pet is the responsibility of its owner.
- The space and tranquility of the other guests must be respected.
- The hygiene of the pet is the responsibility of the owner.
- Dantica Cloud Forest Lodge is not responsible for illness, death, loss, etc. of the pet.
- Pets cannot be left inside the car.